
Slag, Iron and Steel

Effective Utilization of Steel Resources

We produce blast furnace slags and steelmaking slags at the four integrated steelworks of JFE Steel Corporation and supply them to both the domestic and the overseas markets.
We invest in cost reduction strategies and technical improvements, and our products are used extensively in fields such as raw material for cement and iron and steel slag for road construction. Interest in blast furnace cement made using granulated blast furnace slag is increasing due to social awareness towards reduced greenhouse gas emissions resulting in smaller environmental impact.

JFE Mineral is committed to high level of quality control whilst maintaining a stable production base.
Furthermore, as a member of the JFE Group in accordance with the ISO 14001 environmental management standards, we promote and take positive measures in many environmental issues.

We have created our company standards based on the "Guidelines related to management of iron and steel slag products" published by the Nippon Slag Association and adhere to these guidelines in regards to the sale of iron and steel slag products.

Iron and Steel Division: List of Plants

Chiba Plant: JFE Steel East Japan Works, Chiba Region

Chiba Plant JFE Steel East Japan Works, Chiba Region

Keihin Plant: JFE Steel East Japan Works, Keihin Region

Keihin Plant JFE Steel East Japan Works, Keihin Region

Kurashiki Plant: JFE Steel West Japan Works, Kurashiki Region

Kurashiki Plant JFE Steel West Japan Works, Kurashiki Region

Fukuyama Plant: JFE Steel West Japan Works, Fukuyama Region

Fukuyama Plant JFE Steel West Japan Works, Fukuyama Region

Iron and Steel Division: Products

Iron and Steel Slag

Quicklime and Mini Pellets

Manufacturing Process of Main Iron and Steel Slag Products

Manufacturing Process of Main Iron and Steel Slag Products


JFE Steel Corporation